In Students the characteristics needed by pupils that take part to courses are divided by age, target, bona fide stay permit, required literacy
18: school courses may only be attended by people who are 18 years old.
16: school courses may only be attended by people who are 16 years old.
"Everyone” means that the course is open to everyone, without any distinction.
“Women” means that the course is only for women.
“Women with children” means that the course is only for mothers who can bring their children, generally very young (0-3 years) because the school has a space whereby you can leave your children in the care of an adult (teacher and / or volunteer). See also the SERVICE area.
In some cases, institutions offer courses to all as well as those limited to a particular target.
Only if your Stay Permit is in order – Means that a course can only be attended by people with their Stay Permits in order. There are however schools that accept even those without their Stay Permits being in order.
Required literacy - A course can only be attended by literate people, namely those who can read and write in their own language.
The open Field contains other requirements that the student must have.